We can sense the intuition that what is, just is, has a spontaneous connection to what we know as these bodies where the here and now is identified. Consider that the here and now is really a dimension. Matter appears as these biological/chemical bodies at a moment in a process. The here and now, in that sense, is not everything, just everything that is aware! It is better to locate the atomic and the particulate with other dimensions. I want to stay focused on how an understanding of this sixth stage in the process can help us better understand our Human Condition, our Religious problems. We sense the irony of existing in a consciousness field that contains both the challenges and threats as well as the answers and solutions! Remember the story nature of our Human nature.
This post is only just begun. We shall have to get back to the here and now when I return from The Gathering - 2009. Who knows, I could become caught up in yet another adventure in this time of Company formation. Who are the Colorful Company? What is their role? Let's wait and see.
...The last section was written a month ago. We are still in the here and now. We have not gone anywhere nor have we done anything. That does not mean a lot of stuff has not been going on - where we listen and see that it is so. But remember that we are talking here about our human religious problems and the means of overcoming those problems. Each of these 10 insights represents a category of human knowledge. Each category is devastating in its wholeness. Anyone coming in to the world could live out their whole human existence happily within the confines of any one of these systems. But now we have a way to understand their interconnectedness based on a material process we may call the prenatal sequence. At this stage in the sequence the spleen system is built: Instinct and intuition and taste. This just is the whole sense of "having a body". This just is the nature of Awareness. Awareness is only valid in the here and now.
I found an excellent way to confirm that awareness belongs to the animal kingdom. Sit next to a cat and just watch its ears while at the same time you study your mind. The cat is never for an instant preoccupied with its own thoughts. Watch its ears. If it were thinking it would not always cock its ears when you scratch your chin. Its consciousness is simple awareness resting in what we call the here and now. To be conscious is to think. Consciousness is only relevant to awareness at the level of enlightenment and endarkenment.
The Native/African consciousness is an expression of homo sapiens who never left The Garden. We can begin to sense the foolishness of human behavior from the standpoint of the development of other centers. The world of Western Secularism (that is the fulfillment of Christianity as shall be clarified) tends to "put the body down". All this talk of mind over matter and the value of civilization and transcending limitation comes from a consciousness that thinks of the body in a subservient way. Understand, we see this acted out in our history: the denigration of the body for the sake of idealism. The Native/African is scarcely above the animal and so can be treated with disrespect. So we tend to think.
And we disrespect The Body because we think we can transcend the body. We are mentally preoccupied with going to heaven when we die, or with ensuring the possession of a piece of land (as though the whole planet we not the land we seek). The prodigal search for experience can only come to a proper conclusion when we remember ourselves (those of us who are "not" Spleen bound) and come to our senses and return in our minds to the body where paradise resides among us. Native people never seek paradise. They live there all the time. And we must acknowledge, with understanding, the terrible wrong doing of driving a native people from paradise to live in desolation. We have yet to come to our senses. Now that we know that, whatever paradise is, we are there. It is time on a Global scale to return to The Native center of spirituality. It is time to remember that the Native among us already know how to be here now. Hindu's and Buddhists and Taoists can all get sentimental about enlightenment, but the rhetoric all comes down to an acknowledgment that The Native/Africa represent how we as Homo sapiens really think about The Here and Now. that is: The Body.
Consider one more implication. As human beings we deal with the issues of shame and guilt and blame. We will surely continue to live under the pressures of shame and guilt, but blame is precisely excessive. Blame is excessive! No human deserves blame! Not Hitler, not Pol Pot and certainly not the lawless man, George. Now grasp the irony of our human situation. Blame is an energized issue, unlike guilt and shame. (Remember: the mind/shame; the body/guilt; the solar plexus/blame.) When we look at the sequential structure we notice that the consciousness/awareness trinity leaves us with The Body as the final resting place for The Mind and The Solar Plexus. It all comes down to what happens in these bodies. How we think and how we feel must be experienced, as a result, in The Body.
It has become my way of thinking that to be a human being is to be burdened with the issue of blame, like original sin; and until we all collectively find a way to transcend blame we are stuck with it no matter what level of individual enlightenment there is. No human being gets out of the blame game. We either overcome blame and help others to think the same, or we wallow in our chronic human pleasure of passing on such nonsense. Just try to stop blaming, in speech and action, and recognize how delicious blame is to us. Honestly, we don't want to stop blaming because blame is really what makes us human in the first place! To end blame will be to complete the whole human experience. Well, all is well that ends. What we can experience is the great spiritual battle to actually overcome blame among us. Give me a better explanation for why men always go to war and why they feel justified and why they find pleasure in killing the enemy! I know, I want to kill the enemy myself! Think Friend! There is no enemy! But I can still experience the strange male-human pleasure of arguing against the enemy in another mans way of thinking!
And when we come to the conclusion, as you clap your hands together, that blame can be overcome in the awareness of the here and now, then we will experience the completion of the human condition. Blame is the enemy. Blame is evil. Blame is the devil and the great satan. But when we come to know, as you clap your hands together, that there just is no blame - then what of evil and the devil? Those who have overcome blame in their way of thinking have already returned to paradise. But since we are human beings we want to celebrate such an experience, and make a big deal out of it! We want a great movie and we've got one. Without all this drama the human experience...wouldn't be. So let's get on with the drama - and all you wimpy new age people can start raising your voice in spiritual rage against the perpetuation of machinery made to kill the body. I think it is time for us to see a demonstration of spiritual/mystical rage against the enemy. I am not a pacifist. I am Against War. All the emotion of my erotic and violent male existence is utterly committed to fighting against the enemy and killing him! And I want to see it in my lifetime. My children have no interest in this tired old religious patriarchal stuff. This battle is for us old men (those born before 1962) to see through. The Kids are here already.
I wonder where the real center for The Gathering is, when it will be called from Israel? Perhaps some Native people know. Wait and See.