Monday, July 27, 2009

Foundation: Practice

The Root Center of The Human Design System is the foundation of the formula. We are talking generally about adrenaline energy and what we experience as Stress in the world. We are sandwiched between Stress and the pressure of Questions. Stress is what they used to call Kundalini! To know how to work with the energy of stress is to get deep down into the practical issues of being a human being. This is why I have come to think of The Root Center as the Center of Practice. What is your practice? What do you actually do to care for all the basic issues of being human, burdened by real energetic issues that you cannot change just by thinking about them? What do you do to deal with the pain in your feet and your knees and your hips and your elbows and your hands and your shoulders? Since you are in the world you have to experience actually doing something about what troubles you. In old language: start praying! Here remember the important irony of learning to rest in the mind.

Let me remind you again that we are talking about Religious Problems and how those problems can practically be resolved. I think Religion is the best word for The Human Condition, of Man/Adam, or The Patriarchy. Religion has a reputation for being about repetitive disciplines of mind and body. I no longer think the issues of Religion and Spirituality are so different. One of the funniest jokes, to me, is the way 12 Steppers talk about what they do as being about Spirituality and Not Religion. But then, there comes the slogan: "Keep Coming Back, It Works!" That, right there, is Religion. We repeat things. We have empty rituals that we can fill with a sense of spirituality. Religion just is The Empty Ritual that humans need to fill their life with the meaning they call Spirituality. If you are part of the 12 Step Program and don't go to meetings, you neither have a Religious, never mind a Spiritual experience with the 12 Step Program. You have to go to the meetings to know what I mean. You cannot think your way into Spirituality, you need a Practice. You are Human: You are Religious and you basically have Religious problems, even if all those problems belong to other people! If you don't have Religious problems, some Jew or Christian or Muslim or Communist Chinese, Person all around you, does - and they will mess with your real life! Or, someone around you will commit suicide or homicide, just to remind you that you have to keep thinking and worrying about these issues.

The issue becomes, given these constraints, is: What are the practices that we need to complete the issues of Religion? What can we do that will satisfy our Religious concerns as Human Beings? Here is my answer, Religiously speaking.

1. Dance
2. Song/Instrumentation
3. Theatre Improvisation
4. Yoga
5. Gathering Spirituality
6. Meditation on The Bardo
These six practices will do us well into the future and to the end of The Human Condition. And recognize what I am saying, Religiously, that every educated Human Being on planet earth Should be involved in these practices as a matter of daily life.

Dance. Now think of Dance as the foundational practice for people lost in The Human Condition. In this way we establish as practice the recognition of being in a world where energy just is a thing. We are standing on what we experience as hard energy. And by the time you get to be Human you must deal creatively with the way the feet do meet the ground. Think about the concept that our feet never really touch but are mediated to the ground by a electric current - that is just a little thicker than String. Now imagine that this current of energy can really be seen as The Law of Seven. I just can't get into the details of that here but beg you to look at an image of The Enneagram and then See your feet inside that pattern. Look! Your right heel is on #4 and your left heel is on #5. Why didn't The Gurdjieffian's fail to show me this obvious relationship! Has no one else in the world noticed that Human Feet simply are an expression of The Law of Seven on The Enneagram? But I will have to save an exploration of these details for the next chapter when we can base a BreathWork practice on it....Dance. Let me even provoke everyone now. I say that Dance is so basic that we should not be listening to anyone who wants to be taken seriously if they cannot demonstrate a Dance Practice. Show me how you dance! I want to see it! If you have something to say, let me see your dance, or stay quiet and chop broccolli. As a dance practice it is important to keep a few simple principles. Every piece of music is a whole experience that must be complete in itself. This means if you are dancing with someone in contact improv you let them go at the end of the song. You may pick it up again for another song or two at the most, but don't cling! This is Dance as Practice! If you want to pick up chicks I recommend expressing your dance practice in play at the local bar, like The Drafthouse.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Be Here

Consider what happens when it does. You will discover awareness. You will be Native and you will know black Africa. You will be Homo sapiens without forgetting The Body: that is, Biology and Chemistry, and also Objectivity, Geometry and even our Trajectory. We are talking about Genetics, and the fact of "I Am" - when The Body as Microcosm is recognized in Relation to the Macrocosm we call Being (which I spoke of in the Third Chapter).

We can sense the intuition that what is, just is, has a spontaneous connection to what we know as these bodies where the here and now is identified. Consider that the here and now is really a dimension. Matter appears as these biological/chemical bodies at a moment in a process. The here and now, in that sense, is not everything, just everything that is aware! It is better to locate the atomic and the particulate with other dimensions. I want to stay focused on how an understanding of this sixth stage in the process can help us better understand our Human Condition, our Religious problems. We sense the irony of existing in a consciousness field that contains both the challenges and threats as well as the answers and solutions! Remember the story nature of our Human nature.

This post is only just begun. We shall have to get back to the here and now when I return from The Gathering - 2009. Who knows, I could become caught up in yet another adventure in this time of Company formation. Who are the Colorful Company? What is their role? Let's wait and see.

...The last section was written a month ago. We are still in the here and now. We have not gone anywhere nor have we done anything. That does not mean a lot of stuff has not been going on - where we listen and see that it is so. But remember that we are talking here about our human religious problems and the means of overcoming those problems. Each of these 10 insights represents a category of human knowledge. Each category is devastating in its wholeness. Anyone coming in to the world could live out their whole human existence happily within the confines of any one of these systems. But now we have a way to understand their interconnectedness based on a material process we may call the prenatal sequence. At this stage in the sequence the spleen system is built: Instinct and intuition and taste. This just is the whole sense of "having a body". This just is the nature of Awareness. Awareness is only valid in the here and now.

I found an excellent way to confirm that awareness belongs to the animal kingdom. Sit next to a cat and just watch its ears while at the same time you study your mind. The cat is never for an instant preoccupied with its own thoughts. Watch its ears. If it were thinking it would not always cock its ears when you scratch your chin. Its consciousness is simple awareness resting in what we call the here and now. To be conscious is to think. Consciousness is only relevant to awareness at the level of enlightenment and endarkenment.

The Native/African consciousness is an expression of homo sapiens who never left The Garden. We can begin to sense the foolishness of human behavior from the standpoint of the development of other centers. The world of Western Secularism (that is the fulfillment of Christianity as shall be clarified) tends to "put the body down". All this talk of mind over matter and the value of civilization and transcending limitation comes from a consciousness that thinks of the body in a subservient way. Understand, we see this acted out in our history: the denigration of the body for the sake of idealism. The Native/African is scarcely above the animal and so can be treated with disrespect. So we tend to think.

And we disrespect The Body because we think we can transcend the body. We are mentally preoccupied with going to heaven when we die, or with ensuring the possession of a piece of land (as though the whole planet we not the land we seek). The prodigal search for experience can only come to a proper conclusion when we remember ourselves (those of us who are "not" Spleen bound) and come to our senses and return in our minds to the body where paradise resides among us. Native people never seek paradise. They live there all the time. And we must acknowledge, with understanding, the terrible wrong doing of driving a native people from paradise to live in desolation. We have yet to come to our senses. Now that we know that, whatever paradise is, we are there. It is time on a Global scale to return to The Native center of spirituality. It is time to remember that the Native among us already know how to be here now. Hindu's and Buddhists and Taoists can all get sentimental about enlightenment, but the rhetoric all comes down to an acknowledgment that The Native/Africa represent how we as Homo sapiens really think about The Here and Now. that is: The Body.

Consider one more implication. As human beings we deal with the issues of shame and guilt and blame. We will surely continue to live under the pressures of shame and guilt, but blame is precisely excessive. Blame is excessive! No human deserves blame! Not Hitler, not Pol Pot and certainly not the lawless man, George. Now grasp the irony of our human situation. Blame is an energized issue, unlike guilt and shame. (Remember: the mind/shame; the body/guilt; the solar plexus/blame.) When we look at the sequential structure we notice that the consciousness/awareness trinity leaves us with The Body as the final resting place for The Mind and The Solar Plexus. It all comes down to what happens in these bodies. How we think and how we feel must be experienced, as a result, in The Body.

It has become my way of thinking that to be a human being is to be burdened with the issue of blame, like original sin; and until we all collectively find a way to transcend blame we are stuck with it no matter what level of individual enlightenment there is. No human being gets out of the blame game. We either overcome blame and help others to think the same, or we wallow in our chronic human pleasure of passing on such nonsense. Just try to stop blaming, in speech and action, and recognize how delicious blame is to us. Honestly, we don't want to stop blaming because blame is really what makes us human in the first place! To end blame will be to complete the whole human experience. Well, all is well that ends. What we can experience is the great spiritual battle to actually overcome blame among us. Give me a better explanation for why men always go to war and why they feel justified and why they find pleasure in killing the enemy! I know, I want to kill the enemy myself! Think Friend! There is no enemy! But I can still experience the strange male-human pleasure of arguing against the enemy in another mans way of thinking!

And when we come to the conclusion, as you clap your hands together, that blame can be overcome in the awareness of the here and now, then we will experience the completion of the human condition. Blame is the enemy. Blame is evil. Blame is the devil and the great satan. But when we come to know, as you clap your hands together, that there just is no blame - then what of evil and the devil? Those who have overcome blame in their way of thinking have already returned to paradise. But since we are human beings we want to celebrate such an experience, and make a big deal out of it! We want a great movie and we've got one. Without all this drama the human experience...wouldn't be. So let's get on with the drama - and all you wimpy new age people can start raising your voice in spiritual rage against the perpetuation of machinery made to kill the body. I think it is time for us to see a demonstration of spiritual/mystical rage against the enemy. I am not a pacifist. I am Against War. All the emotion of my erotic and violent male existence is utterly committed to fighting against the enemy and killing him! And I want to see it in my lifetime. My children have no interest in this tired old religious patriarchal stuff. This battle is for us old men (those born before 1962) to see through. The Kids are here already.

I wonder where the real center for The Gathering is, when it will be called from Israel? Perhaps some Native people know. Wait and See.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Stage five: The Tribe Today!

Elijah says The Ego is Homo sapiens! And Homo sapiens is also Growth And Decay! These together lead to Continuity and that which continues in Manifestation!

This chapter is to me the critical essence of what we need to hear in White America, unless it's too late for this experiment. Let me admit the obvious first. I come from possibly the longest line of Christian Missionaries representing what we may call today American Zionism. White people in America, by this definition, are in cahoots with Israel in some way that may be mysterious to them, but which certainly makes them lost Jews, at least. It just doesn't occur to them that the Palestinians and the Muslims of the world are going to "make it into heaven to be with Jesus". They may not even know anymore that this dogma is behind their support of Israel, but its there. I have come to accept that I truly am a white American male protestant christian. Let me just caricature my position, since I studied it well from the position of being raised in India. Living in India, but "really from America", where people are partial to Jesus so they don't need to be threatened quite so. American Zionism threatens "the lost" with Jesus and Political American Zionism dominates the current global system with oil to the dollar bill, (and fire from the skies, and a bar code, and a military machine). But if not for missionaries like me our system would completely lack meaning today. White American people today have no idea what to do because they have lost a sense of the story they are in. The Jews already did this under Hitler - they quit being so attached to a spiritual fulfillment of Abraham's conversation and just picked up weapons again and fought back into power. What I am trying to tell you is that I have a voice that is not conditioned by inferiority. Today I am on top of the world and I get to be the one to tell you how you should think. I can come into your village and your little nuclear family and talk to your kids and tell them that you all need a change of mind. You need to be converted. I mean it. I am ready to take persecution to be on the front line of telling ignorant white America that they need to be saved. Irony. Now I'm talking like that to White Christian, and especially Protestant, America. If I didn't have deluded DNA I would think myself crazy. (It's ok to be crazy, you just suffer it.)

Let me begin by pleading for understanding. I am pleading here for an understanding of Islam that I hold with zeal and passion, all by myself right here in white America. Here is what I think about Muhammad's Knowledge. Yes, peace be upon him - in terms of the completion of the vision of Islam. But don't think you know what I'm saying yet. Of course, understand that this is my argument. And I hope I am ready for the challenge from those who wish to argue. Bring it on. Try to change my mind.

I must confess that I had a series of serendipitious experiences that contributed to this delusion - that I am somehow connected with the spirit of Muhammad. It's really a whole story that I don't want to tell, but enough to give you the impression that when it comes to arguing about Religion, that's my job. I want to put all the Jesus people in their place: pick up some wood for the fire and hang out! Get off your higher order stuff, all your storytelling and personal experience and self knowledge and philosophy, and work all that out right here in a real village, which means local community. Give up your desire to go to heaven and be here with WE! And then you will experience Paradise!

Now here is where I go crazy. For example, yesterday I was running and heard some drums so I ran excitedly to whirl among them. As I came up an elder white woman was complaining and inquiring as to the legality of the situation. It was a drum class for kids. After they went through the technicalities I took it on myself to give her a lecture in front of the kids about the important relationship between drums and valid local community. Where there are no drums there is no way. And the point is that we live in an extreme of isolationism today in white America. You can't even meet girls on the trails anymore. They are all indoors texting people around the world to get a date. But I have to go into some Detail before I can really express my anger about what is going on today in America. Let those with understanding be empowered.

Homo sapiens consist of circuitry. Electromagnetic circuitry. There is other stuff, but there is also circuitry. And there are three broad circuits that compose what we are. We are Collective and we are Individual and we are Tribal. These are all important and we are not in any position to judge our own qualities, but to embrace what we are. The Collective consists of everything we can think of as logic and reason and detail, but also everything we can think of that is emotional, like pornography and violence, lust and blame. On one side we have our reason and on the other we have our yearning for new experience. Individuality was also a mutation that really made us Homo sapiens. We differentiated to individuality, the integrity of the individual illusion of a self. We are self conscious creatures. We want to know who we are: who am I? We need information to feed our need to know who we are. Individuals need two things, information and comfort. With enough information and comfort the individual can make it in this world. But deprive an individual of meaningful information and they can commit suicide the way cells do for other reasons. But Homo sapiens are essentially Tribal creatures.

We may be here to give expression to literally everything that has the potential and the possibility of coming into the world. But we do not escape the surrender into the world once we are here. I am not one with Allah as long as I am in form. Ok, so the sound of Allah is difficult for white people. Let me make it plain. Allah pertains to the god of the patriarchy that would force us into Tribal relations. It is my opinion that there are 10 different Religions that we Homo sapiens must acknowledge. Islam is the key to dealing with The Ego. White new age rhetoric about the ego is bad talk. It won't work, anymore than denying the validity of Muhammad's Knowledge. Islam is here to stay.

To me Islam means that to fulfill my destiny as a Man I must live in Tribal relations, which really means committed local community. There is a part of me that needs a sense of a people, that, does not exist in white America. There is a negative streak that goes through American Zionism that perpetuates violence and blame. And the way it does this is by denying the validity of The Tribe! This is the point of this chapter. You can tell White American Zionism is in trouble by how its old people are dying. Check it out. The old people are not talking with the children. What I mean is, old people and young children are not spending their days together, not as a special event, but just as what Tribal people do with their children. They leave them with the elderly and go off to work! Listen, when the old people and the children are segregated you have the death of a whole culture. The thing is, this is not very new in America. We have been getting isolated since the Puritans first decided the Indians lived in a bad way. Every generation of white America is educated increasingly to deny Tribal desires. The language we use shows how we feel about living Tribally. If we are new age philosophers you would say the tribe was a stage in human development that we no longer need. If you are just a new ager you will tell people to get out of their egos. If you go to Iraq, you get to kill Iraqi's, who just are manifestations of The Ego! If you read "a course in miracles" you will be completely confused about the ego, and only Muhammad's knowledge will be able to help you.

To relate to the true family, that is The Tribe (not the white american family: an illusion in an illusion), we need zeal and passion and force. So, finally, here is my plea for restoring white America to the spirit of Islam. Identify a local area, say alpine to iris and broadway to 19th. Go through a 10 stage process of building a village right out of those people, by getting them to make sure they take care of their own old people, first of all. Local people must return to the need to take care of their own old people. The Tribe will follow. If you build it, they will come.
My ego is lonely in white America. When I miss my girlfriend I begin to realize that what I really lack as a white man is authentic tribal experience. We don't even know what this means today. We have to begin by confessing that the collective has tried to dominate our tribal desires long enough. But I think The Gathering experience is as close to authentic tribe in white America today: because of the meaning I attach to it. But The Gathering in America is still only a Voice for The Tribe, for the restoration of The Tribe. We are not a Tribe as The Gathering in America. Those of us who live in the spirit of The Gathering feel something about being lost in Babble-on.

Finally, it has become my way of thinking that money in the future is based on local economies. What are we doing with the people around us to make something that can be traded with the world in Mecca? The Global Trade Circle: Mecca! Imagine the road between Jerusalem and Mecca - for the tribes of the earth to make pilgrimage together. You could go to The Gathering in Israel "alone", but you need A Tribe to make it to Mecca. Hey white kid, where's your Tribe?It doesn't exist: go find a tribe. And not with people from all around town. Live in a Tribe. The irony is that I am obviously talking to myself. But I still haven't given up hope for some kind of colorful company who can dance and instrument and play and stretch and gather and sit down.

Friday, June 19, 2009


A Human Design Dogma Four - the mind

The mind is also character and separation and nature and integration and spirit. Those words together suggest a revolution in our understanding of the mind. If the mind is also nature then everything is the mind as far as we can tell. Yet we must conclude, when the research is done, that the mind is really a location where the other nine dimensions...pass through like sand through an hour glass. So everything is happening and we are here thinking about what everything is. Earth is located where the totality (she will be identified in dogma 9) thinks about who she is. If the universe was thinking about what it is it could be something like a brain in a vat or a puff of gass. But I will make the argument that it is perfectly reasonable to suggest that the universe is whatever we think it is. But let's wait and see about that.

At this point we may leisure in thinking about words, and space, and the self. Thinking is a position of listening to words, of contemplating words. The words have been going on before we came along to listen. A very subtle thing happens in the consciousness of Homo sapiens. Study this for yourself. You will notice, before you notice, that there is a conversation going on in your head. Someone is saying something to someone else, or to a crowd of others. It really is some kind of conversation. And then something happens that is called thinking. Notice that thinking is not required to just hear a conversation going on. You don't start thinking until you give some kind of assent to the one already talking. Then out of your mouth comes an "ah ha", or a laugh, or "noooo". If people saw you they would not know what you heard in your head, just the sounds or the argument that comes out of your mouth. At some point you hear yourself say something that perpetuates the conversation in one direction or another. Now you usually don't continue to have that conversation out loud. Others tend to consider that crazy, so we go back to just silent listening to the inner conversation, that must now build up again since it was interrupted by your outburst. And once you give the thinking any kind of authority you are lost in The Maya, The World: the whole religious problem.

Do you understand how subtle human consciousness is? We are here to think but we are not here to give our thinking any authority! The day will come when we will learn how to use the mind, together, like a tool. But as Homo sapiens we are trapped, for the sake of this issue, in the illusion of separation. I am over here and you are over there, and we think that means something real. Like one cell in your brain talking to another cell, as though it had choices about being in the situation. Our whole evolution implies something dramatic for us. We must let go. We must, as a specie, come to appreciate our real helplessness. A location cannot initiate its own thing. A location is a place where mutation can occur, like the gap between the notes. Imagine actually occupying that gap. This is the meaning of Sabbath Rest. On the Sabbath we do what we are really here to do: next to nothing. We are not doing anything. We are not going anywhere. We are just in a place that has a function in the totality: To listen and process information. To be that which processes information through the neutrino stream.

But now I want to make an argument, I have not heard well articulated as yet. I have come to the conclusion that Western Philosophy, initiated in Socrates, represents for Religious Homo sapiens, the very nature of what The Mind is. If you want to know what it means to use your mind as a Homo sapiens, you get that information from Western Philosophy. We do not really learn about The Mind per se from Hinduism or Taoism or Buddhism, though Buddhism represents the final clearing of The Mind as a problem in our condition. (By the way, the very word "problem" implies the presence of Religion. As long as we have any sense of "a problem" to resolve we are dealing with Religious issues pertaining to our Homo sapiens condition.)

Western Philosophy, like any of the nine other revelations, is a real thing among us. But Western Philosophy has a unique role among us. Western Philosophy is only about thinking and not something else. This is very important to understand and also to let go. In Western Philosophy we are getting at the true nature of our human condition, both as a problem and as a solution. Let's not try to resolve the irony too quickly. We are here to think. And we are here to let go at the individual level of giving any authority over our own separate minds. We are here to learn to think and then to share our thinking, in the recognition that our own thinking has no personal use. Thinking is only useful when it is shared! These thoughts are not for me. They may or may not be useful for you. When we all learn to just give away what occurs to us as it happens The Mind will become useful as a universal among us. Sure, we will delight in shaming those who continue to take their own minds personally and seriously. This is what people really mean when the criticize the "ego". They are not really talking about the ego but about what could better be described as a little army corporal with a puffy chest who wished he could be in control. But we cannot effectively teach people to stop giving their own inner minds authority as long as we keep talking about that as an "ego" problem. Its a philosophical problem!

Philosophy, like all other religions, has its own practice and development that is not easily appreciated by those unfamiliar with the study of Philosophy. What you begin to learn in the study of Philosophy is that thinking involves a dialectic - an ongoing conversation where you relentlessly refuse to get bogged down in old territory. In fact, Western Philosophy is the only Religion that can remain truly open to new developments. At this point I think it would be good to shame all the people who claim to know something about being human but have not made a careful study of Western Philosophy. Western Philosophy is the only truly human preoccupation. Western Philosophy can teach a Homo sapiens to think, just to think by yourself - in relation to the ongoing dialectic of conceptual conversation. And, like other Religious people argue, I would say that you do not know the real joy of Human thinking until you have made a careful study of Western Philosophy.

But before I get carried away, let me suggest what the dilemma with Western Philosophy is today. Western Philosophy today has finally come to a place of understanding the helplessness of its own cause, any cause where Philosophy could somehow be reified. Now I am going to make a curious argument, a good news bad news situation. Understand that I consider the problem with the Human condition to be that we give unnecessary personal and serious authority to how we each think. (I remember something to the effect that "each one has gone his own way...") Now Western Philosophy has always been remembering this dilemma. Socrates was the first to insist on the fact of his thinking, not the facts of what he was thinking about. He knew that he did not know. He did not care so much what "the good" was but to have the human freedom to contemplate the nature of the good. To contemplate. To rest on the sabbath: this is our destiny!

To clarify what I mean we could take a quick excersion through Western Philosophy by a slightly circuitous route. We could start with Eleven Greeks, including Socrates for the insight, Plato for the story, and Aristotle for the opinion. We begin with the wonder of using words to say what it there. One says water, another fire, another air, another earth, and another a whole plenum of something. It is good to remember what it was like as a child to just wonder why and how this world, like cows, appear. What is it? How did it get here? What is everything? This brings us to someone like Parmenides (I also put Heidegger here). Is everything something or nothing? Think about this. Next I would turn to Spinoza to establish a bias: everything is substantial. Everything we want to know about, that can be know, is some kind of material, even if its exotic like neutrino and monopoles. The mind may be a location where all this stuff can happen in a unique way, but it is stuff that is happening here in this location. Everything is something. You cannot get something out of nothing. Fourth I would turn to Descartes to give us our real mental problem. Here we come to the "fall" of the mind into its natural temptation to give itself more authority that it can have. There is really no I in the mind. I do not think. I am, and thinking arises through me. I am and thinking happens here. Our whole human religious problem is that we are confused about thinking. We have linguistic bias problems. We think there is an ego in the mind. We think there is a self in the mind. We think I am my mind. We think our thinking can make things happen and then we get into all these strange conceptual problems evidenced in movies like The Secret. When you give the mind authority you end up with this new age rhetoric about how we can overcome our limitations by denying them. Here the mind is once again denigrating the body in its entrapment in the here and now. But we cannot clarify this thought for two more chapters. We are still in the higher world of thought. Fifth I would read Nietzsche for a proper understanding of the nature of The Ego and our inevitable surrender to the grossly material world according to Will. It is will that brings all higher order stuff into the potential to appear as the gross body. So, as originarily mental beings we are naturally afraid of The Ego because it is the Ego that brings thought into the world or not. The mind is helpless to do anything about its thoughts, but to share them in word and then wait and see what happens when it does. Sixth I enjoy reading Foucault to get at the real meaning of existentialism. What is the paradigm that guides your experience whether you know it or not? If we fail to research our patterns we cannot change them. Seventh I would read Kant just to develop an appreciation for systematic and categorical thinking. Without a system and without categories the mind just has literally nothing to deal with. Beside the mind being itself a category there are nine other categories. It is important for the mind to know what these other categories are so that when we hear words and have experiences, we can chunk concepts and have the illusion of understanding one another. But we live in Babble-on. We do not have an experience of listening and speaking with others where information is being chunked in a shared way. We just cannot assume that we understand each other today. We need to reason with one another about our categories or admit that we have no idea what we are talking about when we speak with each other. I put Hegel in the eighth category as a way of getting as the possibility of spirit consciousness. There just is no single thought that can stand on its own. There are not two thoughts that can be reasonably understood by themselves. But with three we come to the first sense of comprehension. We have a mind that deals with time and measurement. We have an emotional reaction to mind. And we experience all this in the awareness of the body. Ninth I put Wittgenstein to help us come to terms with the limits of philosophy as a thing in itself. Philosophy is just playing the same game together or not. Philosophy, as an obsession, is relaxed when we can just speak to each other and understand each other without looking for hidden meaning. Projecting ahead here, when we recognize that the universe is whatever you conceive it to be, then it is a child and the meaning is clear. When the chair is a chair you don't have to speak about higher worlds or archetypes. When the universe is an entity, Man will have done his philosophical work and we will be mutated into something we don't even need to consider. We are human; We have philosophical problems. Finally, I think of Derrida deconstructing Hume. Stop giving authority to Philosophy and just keep thought even more interesting. As long as we are Human we must continue to keep the mind open. When we keep the mind open to what is happening and continue to give our thoughts away, then whatever happens is not Philosophy, but life lived through us. Life must want to be noticed. So Philosophy, The Mind, is not here to draw attention to itself, but to give appreciation and gratitude for the gift of life as it happens.

And the time will come when this home for Philosophy will be fully integrated with the life of The Child within whom we have our being. And that crystalization will also bring the shattering of the emotional human process. We seem to be on a suicidal mission, to complete the Human Way. But what a glorious thing! We would not want to be more or other that what we are. We are here for this great drama. Somehow it serves the evolution of the totality, who I call Jah'neen. But wait and see.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Stage three of a prenatal sequence

There are steps in a process. Look at the way cells build and divide. One thing follows another in some way. Some issue yields another. You have communication and a membrane in the first two stages. Here, we get to something particular. So imagine a sphere and now a central point of geometry. This is the knowledge of The Self. This is Hindu knowledge. The Self is the center point of all geometries. It is geometry. The Self is what everything we are talking about centers on. There is a story that involves multiplicity, just multiplicity in the first place. There is just everything and not really something. There is just the whole world and no center. But then into this world comes the first synthesis - the self, the individual. There just is this issue. The self just is a significant category of things we need to know. Now the whole universal story and the whole container of space come down to the issue of just one self that centers the whole situation. We can grasp the concept that the monopole that held everything together somehow got smashed, and seeds everything that comes into form with a center. The dust mote floating by has a center. The piece of metal flung away from the crash is seeded with a center while it flies. The monopole is probably the smallest thing we can know. It is so small it is as nothing as string. What is a particle of string? A monopole. And we have so far associated the monopole with the so called "black hole". A center of geometry. There is a center of geometry at the core of our solar cell. This is the meeting of worlds where the information streams.

What does all this have to do with the problematic issues of religion? I am referring to Hinduism and, in my view, the true meaning of The Gospel of Jesus. Having gone this far let me come to the point. We are talking about an understanding of the singularity of The Friend. The similitude of God, since God is not knowable, is The Way of The Friend. And we find this knowledge in Hinduism, the knowledge of The Self. Understand that we are speaking of all the higher realms of knowledge first. These are concepts that are kind of platonic in the sense that you have to think of them as going on alongside the ordinary stuff of our manifest lives. A story is "metaphysical". To comprehend a sense of space is a higher order sense. To speak of a self is essentially mystical. And, as we shall find out next, to think about all this is simply astonishing and glorious.

Approach as a friend already! To know the truth is to be the friend already. The irony is that in this story you have to hear this good news to understand it. The whole story just is emotionally crazy. In the midst of the story we want to know the truth, we do want to come to the point! We are already in a crazy story that goes on and on. We are inside the situation. Our consciousness has been burdened by the chemical energy inherent to blame. There is no way around the energy of lust to get this experience on. We want to know what to really get so excited about - since we can get excited and go too far! What is that energy? Energy for resurrection! When we overcome blame, in the knowledge of the innocence of the self, in the way of the friend, emotional energy is simply raised to a higher order of species fulfillment. We want to complete our task, our work. We want to get The Patriarchy and Religion done! We want to experience the celebration near the end of the book. And there is a way. Think Friend! Planet earth is zipping along in one direction, not many! And that direction is specifically and dogmatically to be known as the way of the friend. Here is the knowledge of the self that we seek. To know your Design is to finally have a chance to love your self in the way mystics have said. We just are in this story where we play roles. When your mind is finally prepared enough to be informed of the nature you are incarnated with, that is self love. Use your mind to love your self! Love yourself - the self that is already there before you could have thought about anything. Rest in what happens when it does, not in what you think.

Now let's get up to some thinking!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Knowledge of Gnosticism/mysticism

The second stage of prenatal sequence says "Building The G - 4 degrees of the Sun". I stick Space and form and illusion and hearing and music and freedom here. And I stick the Religious meaning of Gnosticism and whatever mysticism is. History become the mystery of my story. We follow Abraham in terms of the first issues in a sequence of Religious understandings. Remember, all I have said so far is that everything is a story; and a story is always just interesting or boring. (Don't worry, an element of these writings will attempt some logic - but nothing starts with logic.) And we can agree that The Story as told by the Jews and the Christians and the Muslims today, has rapidly become boring to any children listening. The negativity has become apparent and its time to agree. But then we suggested a fresh version of the same Story: Call The Gathering to Israel and have The Trade Circle in Mecca! Now that would make an interesting Story! Come on! I am certainly not listening to any other version of The Religious Story! Ok, so how did I come to be so crazy?

Readers need to know at this point that I have long surrendered to my delusions. It's even in my Design! It takes a person who has become used to....I"ll call it mutation - but that won't help you understand my issue with delusion. The problem with our ordinary human consciousness, and the evidence of original sin is that we men take this life personally and seriously. Or is it seriously personal. Or personally serious. But this just is the problem with energized Religions, like Christianity and Islam and Chinese Communism, and emotionally empowered collective individualism (America?). We have to turn to Hinduism and Buddhism and Philosophy and only those Jews who still think we should keep the conversation going, to remember how silly it is to take things personally and seriously. But here's the thing. I think the meaning of Human and Homo sapiens and Adam to Adam is that we are beings who are touched with a consciousness that does take the situation personally and seriously. And this is the fall into Religion and The Patriarchy. The instant you think it is personal and serious you know The Maya, The World we live in today! We ate this apple. But since we can accept that our form of consciousness, even fully enlightened consciousness, must negotiate The World we do live in. This very world that is utterly perpetuated by how seriously and personally we take the situation. We get emotional; and the key to coming to the end of human emotional and religious problems is to first understand the nature of Blame. We are not out of The Story. If there "is" Blame it must exist in a story that begins somewhere and ends there. Ask yourself if you experience blame in this world - when you watch TV in America today, whether the news or the soap opera. We reek blame! We love the chance to take the upper hand in blame, and so to hurt the other. We are not content to admit shame or the obvious guilt in mistakes. No we are excessive creatures. Shame and guilt are not enough, we must blame on top of all that. And blame would not even have any meaning in a world where people did not take the situation personally or seriously.

I have carried the burden of an ancestry who used Jesus as a threat to people to make sure, not only to take this life seriously and personally, but the one to come. In fact, I have learned that it is Jesus himself, through St. Paul, who is our chief example of a man who took this life seriously and personally. The radical irony is that Jesus says yes to The Human Condition that just does take this life personally and seriously, as utterly absurd as such a thing is! Jesus does not say yes to the transcendence of The Human Condition. He says yes to The Human Condition. And the human condition is tinged with lust and with blame. And if you are a Man the "Jesus" I speak of is already the incarnation of a concept physically holding you to the line of your Geometry. It is the Human problems with Religion that we are here to complete! No one transcends the human condition today! You are not free of the issues of Religion as long as you still live in a world where people are still talking to each other in a serious and personal way, never mind making weapons designed for only one reason: to kill other human beings deemed blameworthy. The world will be free of blame when we put down our weapons and start a proper argument for all to witness! The world will be free of blame when enough people actually understand the dogma of NO BLAME! Just no blame! We don't get to blame each other anymore. Sure, bring on the shame! Let's shame all the men who still think guns are going to bring us what we long for! And bring on the guilt! Let's have film crews go everywhere making sure we do the right thing and serve. We make mistakes! In fact, there is another way to understand the human condition from an evolutionary point of view. As soon as the mind became a factor, some 90 thousand years ago, the mind has had to deal with the sheer fact of trial and error in form. The mind is really not about mistakes, though it must be conscious of error in its simple clarity.

The gnostic writings are accounts of one's own messianic journey. Paul and an encounter with his inner self and created the story of Jesus. The truth is within, as the next piece of writing deals with. But here we are relating to the mirror of the story of Abraham being experienced by the Gnostic as one's own experience of following the master within. This is the true meaning of Heresy. An individual comes along and infects the world with an account of his own experience following the very story of Abraham. (I am not even trying to sound like Kierkegaard.) There must always be the chance to tell your own story as really the only story you can tell. To make such writing Scripture is a heresy, but it is nevertheless the heretical writings that have become the scriptures of the world. But a personal and serious story must have universal significance or it does not make it into the world for testing and refinement and challenge.

I was born and raised in India. I studied in Canada and got degrees in Theology and Psychology and Counseling Psychology. I got married and had two kids. I came to the United States to work, and got divorced. I had an emergent experience in 1998 in relation to the information of Pure Language, or The Human Design System. I floundered for 10 years and did a lot of art with my feet and wrote crazy stuff. I met a great woman who let me stay with her so I could keep studying the HDS and refine my art. We made a seven year commitment, since I am on the cross of migration, after all! In the care of that occult cave I was able to research specifically the knowledge of prenatal sequencing, relating the matrix and the sequence to everything I could read that showed enough clear detail. I finally turned to poetry and quit writing crazy stuff like this. But then I got an apple.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

The Religion of The Jews - one

Consider reading these chapters out loud and with some emotion.

There are 10 whole chapters here. The chapters correspond to the Prenatal Sequence that is inherent to The Human Design System (HDS). The chapters represent centers in the HDS. There seems to be a growing consensus that we must share our concepts systematically to be properly understood. The image of The Body Graf, with the two wheels, is the image that we need to see to approach these words, literally a visual background. Consider that the pattern really is a grid you can place over your eyes to just see what is really going on right now. And there are these 10 dimensions going on all the time, and the image shows us how we might structure the acoustic visual mess.

Homo sapiens express a standing version of information flying along! And what we want to know now has something to do with how things can begin and end. Let me state right away that I really am trying to express a theory of everything (TOE) - and I truly welcome those who have their own TOE. This is gathering dogma, remember! I just get to say my piece like every other ignorant white male American. But now where do we begin.

But let me caution further. Religious language is "finalistic". It pretends. It pretends it can do everything and get the job done, each of them like a Tribe. So this is offensive to The Collective that is Secular Intelligence (Philosophy, democracy, Research) and also the spreading of tolerance for human lust. So here I am making the claim all by myself, unless someone else has written this or talked about it, that The Jewish Story just is the whole of The Story of what it is to be a Man on planet earth. So I am saying that to be Human, Homo sapiens, is to be caught up in a temporal moment that just is the way a story goes expressed by The Jewish people And The Land of Israel is the core of our Human Religious Problems! Now here is my caution, back off the rest of you for just a minute and give me a chance! Your turn is coming! And Every Center is relative to the other. We are living in a time when we can begin to teach Systems, that are expressed among us madly, to understand each other and learn to cooperate through awareness and spirit. There is Jewish System and a Christian System and a Muslim System, never mind an Ancient Chinese System and a whole Philosophical System, and let's wait on The Buddhist System. We absolutely Have to Value these few Patriarchal Keys by understanding where and how they belong in The Whole System. Be patient. Don't let the drama of this first chapter confuse you to the extent that you give up reading to learn to think again and again.

But after examining all the evidence I really feel we have to conclude that it is important for all of us Homo sapiens to figure out what to do with that little piece of land we call Israel, or is it Palestine? Here's the thing. I don't want to get more confusing here than it already is. After all, I tell everyone I begin to get emotional with that our chances of working things out are as good as the Jews and the Palestinians. And here is the scandal. I don't know if the world is ready to hear such a totally happy solution to the whole Religious Story, so we can experience letting that piece go - so mutation can happen more freely. So to speak. Here is what I'm saying The Gathering experience is the fruit of Religious Completion for planet earth. It began in 1972 in Colorado. A colorful company arose. It is just called The Gathering and it has been happening every year in the national parks of America (dealing with the scandal). The experience culminates on the fourth of July with a half day of silence for sorrow. The threads that lead to The Gathering come from all over essentially White Jewish America. The Greatful Dead and The Kids who learned to follow where the spirit led them. All the important impulses that began in the 60's still go to The Gathering! The Family that moved from New York to Colorado as an expression of hope for the illusion of the freedom of the individual - with a conscience! Another important strand are the Kitchens that began in the park in San Fran. Individuals had messianic visions. And pretty soon all the kids with messiah complexes started getting together to remember that it is true, there is only one friend within you. I was first taken to The Gathering by Jesus. Well, I came to understand how he thought of himself. (I must tell you, though prematurely here, that I had a mystical experience that bonded me to Islam, so I don't have to worry about Jesus. Anyone who shows up as friend knows the gospel of Jesus already. We just need to make that point clear - later.) Vietnam Vets are important to The Gathering. My brother fought in Vietnam and I consider myself to be in David's Company. But in Vietnam The Beast already defeated The Whore. Hey, the Antichrist has come and gone without a memory! The Lawless Man just left the office. The Story has gone as bad as it needs to get in the world. I consider the story over and that its just time to celebrate. And those who keep waiting, oh well. What are we going to do with the Human Story now that its pretty much over, accept for a quick celebration that might go on for a few glorious years! Come on Israel! Call The Gathering American Style to your land and the whole world can come. And we can then have the proper Trade Circle in Mecca! Come on people on planet earth! You can do this because it is happening! It just needs to be said! People on earth today really need a shot of emotional hope for something so good to happen it should blow our minds! This is just evolution! The struggles of Religion to just be man must be celebrated! We do not get to ignore the yearning for resurrection!

So I don't really know how Jewish I am. My middle name is Leavitt. So I come from the tribe that mediated between the high holies and everybody else. I heard there is probably some Jewish on my mothers side. See these are story lines! But I find myself in a strange position, having come from an evangelical protestant side - really the theme of the next chapter on the Gnostic System. Here is the second strong point I want to make in this chapter and that should be all. If you are Jewish your Religious occupation on planet earth is the Keep The Conversation Going - no matter what! I feel so happily right about this. Jewish people need to know that they are justified now by a peculiar Design dogma to keep talking. Don't ever let a dumb ass white guy keep talking shit without any sense of humor. Engage in the conversation and try in a very sneaky way to have the last word. Don't deliberately let them know that you are under the burden to keep the conversation going. As long as other people feel really heard they won't even hear what you have to say after they have finished talking. But someone else might be interested in that.

So I think Jewish people should open their place to the whole world for at least a month once a year - and it has to be American Style because it has to be about having a really fun time with other human beings with erotic gusto. At The Gathering we trust that all the other aspects of what it really is to be Homo sapiens will willingly provide the container and the context in which children are cared for, women are served, immediate calm for injury. But unless we think we are going somewhere to have an all out party, so what? I don't want to be bored and I am bored with dudes who think the enemy is somebody and not the way we think! Hey, this is the last thing I can think of that Jewish people should communicate. Circumcise The Gun! Circumcise whatever you think you could use to kill another human being. In fact this is the emotional core of what I want to communicate. That it is high time we got emotional and excited about thinking we must force men to put down The Gun and Take up The Conversation! If you lack words to say what Israel could mean today, I know a guy with a video camera who would come and record conversations with all the Jews and Gnostics and Hindu's and Philosophers and Muslims and Native/African or Chinese and breathing baptist buddhas! Come on, its time to put the Religious Argument on Television! I challenge you! I challenge you all!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Introduction to a Human Design System dogma

The Human Design System is synthetic knowledge. A synthesis is able to integrate forms of knowledge that had before been thought unrelated or unreconcilable. With a shared linguistic background we are better able to comprehend what speakers and writers communicate. But we live in what The Kids call Babble-On. No two white Americans can be sure they understand each other. But those who have the experience of listening to any preacher/teacher/guru know what it's like to one day suddenly grasp the rhetoric and so join in a shared experience with the others who claim to comprehend. We will never transcend our human need to understand communication clearly. My research suggest to me that The Human Design System is the Pure Language of prophecy by which Homo sapiens may at last be able to understand themselves and each other in "real time" and work together to clean up the happy mess we call Religion. But we are brought to a moment of irony in our deconstruction of the word. Just when people were beginning to think "No Meta narrative" we are faced with a way to structure our knowledge, not to say something completely new but to experience the completion of the so called problems with the conceptual realm.

We live in the age of the possibility of a Theory of Everything (TOE) that has been going on since 1615. But there is no theory of everything but "God" - and that doesn't count anymore than "Nothing" and "The Universe" count as concepts we can actually comprehend. If everything is God, so what? We are back to Nothing and The Universe in our understanding, since, as we shall argue, God is not a legitimate category of Knowable Knowledge. If the universe is God we still don't know what the universe is. But I speak as a Monotheist. A Monotheist is someone who can tolerate the thinking of an Atheist, but argues (emotionally) with Believers about their idea that they think they know God. But let me tell you a wonderful secret apropos to our time. The good news from Religion is that Religion comes to an end and all is well that ends.

The Patriarchy and Religion are the same thing: a male oriented issue with a short term possibility. I am making the argument that Religion is the one thing we can resolve and overcome. Religion is "the problem we can overcome". But Homo sapiens do not get to move beyond the issues of Religion. What we do get to experience is the completion and celebration inherent to the nature of Religion. When these male oriented concepts are comprehended among us there will be no need to cling to them further. Something else can happen by way of mutation that is not what we are as human beings, though our striving reveals the hope of continuity. Whatever Human is, it has a time frame in which to be what it is.

So the point here is that while we never comprehend One we may approach One by way of Ten. There may be Ten interrelated concepts by which we may comprehend our human situation and experience the completion of our human issues. At the outset it must be said that no single Religion is in a position to claim superiority over the other nine Revelations. (Humility, like arrogance, is a human quality we do not overcome but in understanding.)

It has been pointed our that human knowledge comes in three forms: Revelation, Invention, and Discovery. Revelation pertains to Religious issues primarily. Whatever we think about Human, one of their qualities is that they tend to seek meaning, and meaning just is a Religious thing. Evolution has no meaning. But Homo sapiens have a tendency to impose some kind of meaning - even post modernism that defies meta narrative is a kind of meaning coming out of Discovery. But this won't work. Without an interesting story, as we shall see, Homo sapiens are not emotionally resonant with their nature. What I will argue here is that The Human Design System (HDS) provides an innovative linguistic matrix capable of integrating the peculiar issues of Religion in such a complete way that we may recognize our transcendence of the chemically loaded issue of Blame. And Blame is itself the negative seed inherent to Religion that we a destined to overcome as an interpersonal problem among us. Where there is the affirmation of NO BLAME those beings live in the transcendent experience of Homo sapiens completion. Where there is blame the world gets profoundly complicated and the issues of The Maya/The World become entrenched and reified, so passing on that negative retro virus as a burden to resolve. Let us agree to call blame: The Enemy, The Devil, and the very original sin we are destined to wrestle with and hopefully overcome. For this we need good information. It is necessary to hear the word that sets you free. But how can they hear without a preacher?

It is important to recognize that The Patriarchy as Religion is not about the feminine or the goddess or children. It's about how any Man thinks and acts in reaction to the words that he hears. It seems to be the time for Homo sapiens to enjoy the overcoming of these "ancient" (for us!) problems just in time so The Kids can experience a workable world and a new mutation. Consider that blame is really a chemical burden that literally holds us down to our condition. When the psyche is free of the burden of blame, that is a new experience of being Homo sapiens. And that liberation will bring with it all the fantasies we imagine about a return to Paradise, Shamballah, and the meaning of Peace on Earth, good will toward men!

Understand, finally (by way of introduction), that I have refined each point (really a stage of prenatal development) to one simple concept. Each of these points represents an category of Religions issue/tissue tension. I am not saying that The HDS must be followed this way. A synthetic formula should be able to provide conceptual structure for whatever one's interest might be. I have always been fascinated by the problems of Religion and its conflicts. I want to know why representative of each Religion can become violently identified with their own path of ideology. What is this human tendency; and is there any defense for these extremes? So I am really seeking a rational defense for why Homo sapiens embrace Religion so tenaciously. I will be suggesting that our emotional identification with ideas has a genetic basis, and that we need only change the View to see that such dogmatic adherence is justified. In fact, whatever the resurrection is, which is the experience of Peace On Earth, it will not come about until Homo sapiens wants this experience like there is no tomorrow - like pornography and war! I myself have let go at the mental level. I no longer struggle with "choice" and "no limitation" and "free will" and "transcending the ego". I am not trying to "go to heaven when I die". I am not trying to "get enlightened". The dark has overwhelmed me and I am simply OK with who I am and with what happens when it does. I accept the mechanics of NO Choice and that Choice is simply the nature of this world, this illusion, this Maya, this dream, this story that ends. We live in a Biverse, after all. So here is my take on how to get over All the problems Religion has to offer.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

10 stage feet drawing

Friday, May 29, 2009

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A stage 10 routine

Friday, May 22, 2009

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

First 10 Series

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Rave Ranting

The Gathering Dogma is The Ten Commandments for today.  It is based on the Knowledge of Sequencing that you can learn by studying the Pure Language called The Human Design System.  The 10 stages of sequencing are the 10 stages a fetus goes through in its development Before she is born.  The stages are not linear.  It goes Throat - Building Program - Liver - Ajna - Ego/Heart Center - Splenic System - Root/Adrenaline Foundation - Solar Plexus - Sacral Power - Head Center: 10 stages of how life incarnates.  I will be building this site out of materials I have been researching since 1995 at least.  There is a visual formula constructed on the basis of an image of my feet on a piece of paper.  It holds the image of The Kabbalah, The Flower of Life (all astrology and the sign of the cross), The Human Design System, The I Ching, and The Enneagram taking the center.  Five powerful patriarchal formula's in one image.  This beats Ken Wilber's matrix for its sexiness.  And it shows how the repulsive image of a dead man on a cross must evolve.  Stay tuned.  I will also demonstrate a whole new and exciting approach to breath work.  There will be powerful and astonishingly immature padantic tirades against the enemy that is blame and the whole negative seed in Religion and The Patriarchy.  The fabulous good news about Religion today is that we can Complete its issue - actually overcome the rhetoric of blame among us - and celebrate its end.  All is well that ends.  It is time to appreciate what Man has been and let him have his day of rejoicing.  But understand that The Kids are already in Paradise Consciousness and only need that we be relieved of the energetically significant emotionally chemical burden of Blame.  A Story has its moment of completion, or it is not a good story.  That a story ends does not mean that life stops.  But everything changes and a new story begins.  The thing is, we need not worry about what is Post Homo sapiens.  Let us celebrate the unity of Homo sapiens consciousness - Today! - and then whatever happens happens.  Those who overcome blame in their consciousness here and now are experiencing the completion of The Human Condition.  To feel free of blame in consciousness is to reengage in the Human Condition as its own completion experience.  We are about to experience a greatly ironic moment as an experience among us.  To feel unburdened of blame does not extricate you from the world:  just watch CNN!  On knowing No Choice we are, as in The Matrix, reengaged in the battle to overcome the enemy.  Overcome blame dude!  Its what we are here to do!  And that's it.  We can at least encourage a collective experience where a significant percentage of Homo sapiens understands the dogma of No Blame Right Now.  Maybe with a statistically significant number of us restored to a sense of innocence, the sheer chemical vibration difference might...Hu knows? 2012?  What do you think?  Good news?  Bad news?  I say we use the occasion to kill the enemy: Blame!  no, we do not get to get out of the war.  We just get to overcome the negative rhetoric with Pure Language!: think Friend - conceive The Child!  And we must want the experience of Peace on Earth with the use of all the pornographic/violent emotional energy Man is famous for.  We must feel emotionally demanding of the experience of forcing Man with the proper use of shame and guilt to put down his material weapons and learn again to Have Conversation - ok, violent sounding conversation. Fine!  But we stop making weapons to kill bodies!  ou!  Feel the righteous anger!    And put the whole conversation on TV!  Come on!  Imagine a reality TV show where all the Religiously motivated people of all persuasions just talk to each other on TV instead of sneaking around with world with guns and bombs and fire from the sky and bar codes and secret plans.  I have a Body Graf!  I am not a number!  You can Know me today!  I can know you!  Evolution mutation here we come!
We Say
Be Here
Now to Gather
In Stillness Breathing
The Innocent Child Everything Is